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Neville is a 13 year old domestic short hair cat who came to see us at Southern Animal Health regarding weight loss despite having a good appetite. The main differentials for this common feline complaint are diabetes and hyperthyroidism among a few other rare concerns. Blood tests confirmed Neville was indeed a hyperthyroid cat.

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Поначалу хотелось добавить: «или путешествие, которое не задалось». Не задалось — это еще мягко сказано, начиная прямо с первых минут. А потом подумалось, что бывает и хуже, и какие-то нестыковки и ошибки через некоторое время покажутся полной ерундой.

Q&A: Torc CEO Talks Autonomous Truck Development
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Q&A: Torc CEO Talks Autonomous Truck Development
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Технические требования
Feline Hyperthyroidism and Liver Disease

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Подробно - Hettich
Feline Hyperthyroidism and Liver Disease - Southern Animal Health
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Current maritime supply chains are not well optimised due to operational difficulties caused by an inefficient management of logistics and vessel operations and navigation, not taking into consideration force majeure events. Are all logisticians or even half of them that bad, and this notorious profession is doomed to be a place for people who never get anything on time? Well, there is also the fault of the transport company responsible for transporting your cargo.

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